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Jumat, 20 Maret 2009
The other Website I had
Anju Ahu (I typed this from a book, you can find it in Indonesia Medan Gramedia and other than this there are lots of other Indonesia Songs too!!!)
from:Tapanuli (West Sumatra)
Anju Ahu sai anju ahu alenggi
Dina muruk ma nang marsak rohangki
Nangso hupa boa arsak na di ro ha
Holongni rohangku sai not doi
Anju ahu sai anju ahu leanggi
Engkelmi mambaen pa so nang rohangki
Tung saleleng ahu di lambung mi
Anju ahu sai anju ahu aleanggi
The Elf from the Moon
By: Ryan Hilmawan
This story took place in the year of 2115 where the Earth’s technology has been very developed. Humans can go out to space anytime they want, a lot of aliens have been discovered, the one that can find another new creature from space will be known by everybody in the Earth.
One day, a boy and his father wanted to visit the Moon to find
some things for them to collect, there are many things in the Moon
because some things from the Earth are sent to the Moon because they
thought it isn’t going to be worth anything but the boy and his father
wanted to invent something new from the things there, even if the
things are said to be unworthy they think they can fix it, recreate it and
combine it.The boy is a shmuck but the father is very intelligent.They
each had a pet that can stay in outer space for a very long time, it is the
result of what the scientists do.The boy had a rat and the father had a
big flying red eel. The rat is a goof and the eel is an ace at everything.
They fly to the Moon by using their spaceship, the spaceship is an
automatic spaceship, while they were waiting the father drank some tea
and ate some gum but without the father knowing, the boy is eating a
raw meat and drinking water from a miniature pool with some black
water as the place for the rat to swim, the big flying red eel is eating a
tart cake and the rat is putting some gel to it’s fur but it turned out to be
a mess and it made all it’s fur stand and sharp like a pin until they
finally arrived at the Moon. They get started by using a pill of 5 day
oxygen supply and take a camera to see take some pictures of the Moon
, the boy put on the suit with the help of his father, they explore the
Moon for nine hours but there were no things to be found, the father
was sad but the boy is having some fun by jumping and running
around and so is the rat The eel waslooking at a comet that fell next to a
big rock which they haven’tchecked yet the eel talked to the rat and the
rat understands because they were both animals even if they were not
the same kind, the rat go and tell the father while the eel is checking the
big rock. The eel stopped for a moment waiting the others to catch up
to look at the amazing view of elves running around. All of them were
surprised to see that the comet is actually a spaceship, the father talked
to one of the elves and it understood, the elf speaks english it said that
they were all the Saprohumanitarianism were trying to find other planet
to live because not a lot of creatures know about Moon but they got
trapped in a black hole and lived there for 3 years until they managed to
find their way out.” So the creature living in the Moon was
elves.”thought the father. The Boy thinks that they are animals from
the “Largest Elf Alien Zoo” and the rat thinks that they are from the
Hall of the Elf Alien .Since they have been there, the father wanted to
stay for a while to look at the Elves place and took
some pictures.
First he saw a pot shaped like a cow at the Elf Gift Shop, then he look
at the Elf museum and looked at the history of the Saprohumanitarism
and dicovered that their favourite food that is only available on Earth is
an oat mixed with a fur from a dog and a piece of wood from a log that
has been tied with a rope that was soaked in water ten times . And they
like to drink hot oil.They like to have a quiz and sit in a bed for one
hour and they are scared of a creature that had horns didn’t have any
tails.And while the father and the eel has been to all that place, the boy
and the rat are hearing the Elf Moon band playing some music. An old
Elf said that they using the musical instruments that are made from the
things that are sent from Earth to the Moon a long time ago.The father
heared that and figured out that it’s why they didn’t found
anything.When they are about to go home anelf said that they should
tell the other humans and perhaps all other creatures from other planet
about them so that the Moon will be known by the whole world as a
place thet elves live. The father agreed ,as soon as they arrived the
father and the eel go to a place where the scientists were and tell them
that the Moon is populated by elves , the things he saw and about the
history, at first the scientists didn’t believe it but after the father show
them the pictures, they were very surprised. Then they called of a
meeting with the scientists from around the Earth and discuss about the
amazing discovery, the father were told to wait at the his house for a
few days and wait for the call from the scientists.
A few days later, the father received a call from the scientists and were told to come to the Space Museum.When the father arrived the scientists suddenly congratulated the father, they said he had won two prize for discovering another creature from outer space.They took a picture of this moment and plan to hang the picture of that moment and the pictures of the elves at the Space Museum, the father also received a certificate and a trophy, from that day the father has been travelling around the other galaxy with his shmuck son and their pets to find more outer space creatures.
The End
The Old Treasure Hunter ( This is a story I made by myself without the help of anybody else)
The Old Treasure Hunter
by: Ryan Hilmawan
Once upon a time, in a village called Lotuy, an old man lives there. His body is very weak and thin, he claims that he is a very famous traveler when he was young but only three boys believes him. He lives in a small hut in the forest, he always tell the story when he fought wild animals while searching for an ancient ruin, but the three boys stopped to believe his words after a few years, he is now very lonely.
he then decided to search for treasures again so that the three boys will believe him again.He knew where to search for the treasures, he had a map that was burried under a tree that he planted.
He chopped the tree down and took the map, he then sets on a journey to find the treasure but then he died after three days and nobody cares.
The End
Jumat, 13 Maret 2009
Chandra Kusuma 6 Class Field Trip
Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
The Brave Boy Story ( or so, not really brave )
Once, upon a time there live three evil witches.They're the youngest sister is named Shelby, the older sister is named Golby the oldest is named Kelby. They lived deep in the forest of deaths a small village named Conug.They were said yo born from three Devil fruits which originated from another world.The three witches has been said to live for centuries but only a few have known that.Rumors said if you walk 10 steps starting from the entrance of The Forest of Death they will disappear.
One day, a 12 years old brave boy from an orphanage named Kurt were walking around the garden near The Forest of Death.Thinking about his parents which died with an unknown reason.He walked and enter The Forest of Death without knowing it.
And suddenly he disappeared.Kurt arrived at a house.He went in and saw three witches eating, their food is meat and their drink is red coloured. The witches locked him in a room and continue eating. He heard what are they talking, they said that they will die if they killed a boy so they wanted to lock him up until he died.
Kurt was scared but he think that those witches is stupid and knows that if he die the three witches will die too and his life was very uncomfortable, so he is planning to kill himself no matter what happens then at midnight he bump his head very hard and died.
Kamis, 05 Maret 2009
Jokes from Muthu
Interviewer: 'What is your birth date?'
Muthu : '13th October.'
Interviewer : 'Which year?'
Muthu : 'Every year.'
The Manager asked Muthu at an interview... .
'Can you spell a word that has more than 100 letters in it?'
Muthu replied: 'P-O-S-T-B-O- X.'
After returning from a foreign trip, Muthu asked his wife, 'Do I look like a foreigner?'
Wife: 'No! Why?'
Muthu : 'In London , a lady asked me, 'Are you a foreigner?'. . that's why.'
Wife : ?????????
A tourist from U.S.A. asked Muthu whether any great man was born in his village...
Muthu said , 'No sir, only babies were born here.'
Muthu was doing an experiment with a cockroach. First he cut off one leg and told it to 'WALK! WALK!'
The cockroach walked. Then he cut off it's second leg and told the same. The cockroach walked.
Then he cut off the third leg and did the same.
Finally, he cut off its fourth leg and ordered it walk!
But the cockroach didn't walk.
Suddenly, Muthu said loudly, 'I found it. If we cut a cockroach's four legs, it becomes deaf.'
When Muthu was travelling with his wife in a motorised tricycle, the driver adjusted the mirror.
Muthu shouted, 'You are trying to see my wife, eh? Sit in the back. I will drive.'
Muthu went into a hotel. To wash his hands, he went to the washbasin.
Then when he had finished, he started washing the basin.
Seeing this, the manager asked what was he doing.
Muthu pointed towards the signboard
Interviewer : 'Just imagine you're in the 20th floor of a building and it's on fire. How will you escape?'
Muthu: 'It's simple.. I will just stop my imagination. '